
Saturday, May 30, 2020

7 Day Trading Card Challenge #1

Tim over at Cardpocalypse has laid down a 7 Day Trading Card Challenge and while I certainly won't cover it over 7 consecutive days, I think I am going to give it a go and hopefully get through all the steps.

Here are the 7 different challenges:


Today I have been challenged to share my favorite card acquired during the quarantine.

When I saw this topic, the first card that came to mind was this:

This is my first Topps Project 2020 art card.  When I saw the first few cards come out I wasn't sure they were going to be my cup of tea.  I wouldn't call myself an art connoisseur and the first one I saw that possibly would fit into my collection was an artistic rendering of a 1952 Willie Mays.  The card didn't excite or inspire me.  A few days later I saw this Rickey Henderson rookie rendition come up on and instantly liked it.  I am a Rickey collector and think his rookie card is one of the best in the history of the hobby and this one was close enough to the original (not all of these are) for me but different enough where I wanted a copy. 

However with all the craziness about these Project 2020 cards and the crazy prices they are going for won't allow me in good conscious to pick a card from this set as my favorite.  If you aren't familiar, this card that I got for under $20 delivered when it was released, is now for sale of $300+.  I also picked up the second one when it was released but I am done with these.

Let's look at my real favorite card pickup during quarantine:

This is a 1972 Topps Joe Morgan high number and it finished off my 1972 Topps set and therefore finished off my lifetime Topps run.  It was actually one of a lot of cards I got to finish off my set but this was the last card in the package and will ever be remembered as the card that finished my set.

I am still on cloud nine about finishing the set and suspect it will be my favorite hobby accomplishment of the year.

Time to dig into the few 2020 cards I have so far to find a card for Challenge #2.


  1. Beautiful Morgan!! I kind of wish I had grabbed a Project 2020 card, but I was late to that party and I doubt I will pick up any of the new ones coming out. That Henderson is pretty cool!

  2. Cool Rickey. It's crazy that people are dropping $300 for that card. I'm guessing you could pick up 20 of the actual rookie cards for that price.

    P.S. I'm totally struggling to find a Challenge #2 card.

  3. I'm with you on that Project 2020 Rickey. Looks awesome. It's the only one of those I've bought (so far, at least?).
    That '72T Morgan is great too! Congrats again.

  4. Love that Joe Morgan! Looking forward to reading the rest of the challenge topics at whatever pace works for you.

  5. Congrats on completing the lifetime run of Topps sets! Very cool!

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